1) Honeyworld at MSq: Citibank credit card mailer mentioned that there was 30% discount storewide. I rushed down to buy the Manuka Honey, only to be told that there was only 15% discount for that. Not all items were going at 30%. So, who should I scream at? Citibank for printing storewide? or Honeyworld for not recognizing what has been printed?
2) Saw selected Gordon Max rings going at 50% discount at Seiyu . Fyi, Gordon Max rings are made from stimulated diamonds, which look as good as the real thing, but at a fraction of the price. I saw a ring that I like very much, and went back to get it the next day. It cost me $89.50 after discount, not cheap, but I thought it's worthwhile. I shared the ring with my mum who wore it the next day after I bought it. Unfortunately, one of the many stimulated diamonds in the ring fell out at the end of the day! Yes, great quality indeed... just one wear and it fell off, leaving a gaping black dot in the midst of the diamonds. Naturally I brought the ring back, furious. To add injury to the insult, now all the rings which were going at 50% discount, have been reduced to 2 for $100 ! WTF !!! The sales assistant had the cheek to tell me I will have to pay for the repair of my ring . After I argued, she proposed to check other outlets for the ring to exchange. But she would not let me trade-in my ring and get 2 for $100. Hey, they did me a wrong by giving me a lousy ring, they should at least let me enjoy the promo given that I only bought mine 2 days ago! It's really really shitty... just 2 days, i could hv bought 2 rings with another $11.. and to think i waited to buy it the next day so as not to make it an impulse buy. Anyway, they had my contact number and they still sms me to inform me of their new products etc. Please... I am so fed up with them! Still sms me. No more Gordon Max rings, and no more rings with gems on it... Thanks to Gordon Max, I will carry this fear of gems falling off my rings forever.

In addition, I also missed out on the Luggage sale at Robinsons. They had 20% discount for cardmembers, but I was one day late. Similarly, the one day difference cost me the additional discount for G2000 cardmembers. In both cases, i chose not to buy even though there were discounts off the items I want. It's a matter of principle, the further discount for members would mean I make substantial (> $10) losses for buying the items without it.
I also noted that Zara and MNG increased their discounts as their sale progresses. This lesson learnt when I bought clothes from MNG at 30% discount only to see that within a week, the sale is now 50%... a lesson learnt at a cost of $20.
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