Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Refrying Fried Rice

Me to hubby: What is TMNT?
Hubby: ……………….. Ta Ma Te (ta-ma-de)
Me (triumphantly): Wrong! It's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
I never quite like them, not cute, not nice, not handsome, not pretty. Where’s the appeal? Probably because by the time they hit the market, I was past kiddy age and hence they did not appeal to me. But after so long, they are being resurrected, it’s like ‘chao leng fan’ (in Cantonese)…. Still, at their promo show in Marina Sq last week, kids were obediently superbly responsive to them (Do you want to see them? Kids: YEEEEESSSSS!)
I like the turtles in Finding Nemo better.

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